Sunday Wrap-Up 10/23 - Preppy (future) NP

Sunday Wrap-Up 10/23

Happy Sunday Everyone!
This week was a pretty great one! I felt very productive in general this week and was able to get a lot of work done and errands that needed to get done. Here’s my weekly wrap-up of things I’ve been loving this week!!

What I’m WearingMy favorite fall color this year is definitely cranberry. I have loved this color for a while but I found a pair of cranberry jeans at Ann Taylor Loft this year that I am absolutely loving. I love that I can dress them up or down, I have been wearing them super casually, or with a nicer top and jacket for clinical.

What I’m Watching: 90-day fiancé. Such a new guilty pleasure. I’ve never watched it before but I am watching the current season on-demand. It is so funny! Such an easy show to binge watch. I definitely want to go back and watch previous seasons. My favorite couple is George and Anfisa, I just feel so bad for poor Georgie, but girl knows what she wants, and its $10,000 dollars a month… haha.

What I’m Listening To: This month is a little sad for me on the Taylor Swift front. She usually releases an album every other year in October, but she did not this year. Totally fine, you do you girl and take a break, but I’m feeling a void this month that can only be filled by new Taylor. But old Taylor will have to suffice for now, so I’ve been listening to her old albums and rediscovering some old gems that I almost forgot about! Current faves: Stay Beautiful, All Too Well and The Story of Us.

What I’m Doing: This week was so weird weather-wise. 2 days were literally 80 degrees outside, and now its in the 40s and I had to turn the heat on. The warm days were fun to be able to go out and explore. I walked around with my friend and we even got ice cream cones one day!
I was pretty busy this week with school and work, but was able to relax this weekend and have fun which was nice. My sister had a bunch of her college friends down on Saturday and we went to a couple of vineyards before we went back to her house and literally sang karaoke all night (right up my alley). I won’t go into a lot of details of the night, but let’s just say there was broken wine glasses everywhere (I swear I didn’t break any though… good for me!).
I am so excited for this upcoming week, since it is the week leading up to Halloween!! I still have no
idea what I am going to dress up as but definitely need to figure that out this week!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Xoxo, Bethany

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