Random Acts of Kindness! - Preppy (future) NP

Random Acts of Kindness!

Hey Everyone!
I wanted to do a quick post today about something that happened to me yesterday that I thought was worth the share.

Yesterday I was driving to my women’s health clinical and I stopped at the Starbucks drive through for a much needed caffeine boost. This particular Starbucks I go to always has a long drive through line. I was running a little late but I really wanted to stop. As I was waiting in the line between giving my order and receiving/ paying for my drink I was getting more anxious as the minutes clicked by. I felt myself getting annoyed at the people in front of me as well as the Starbucks workers themselves. I like to think I am a pretty positive person but I do find that I get very frustrated when I am forced to wait for things (product of my generation I guess).

Finally, it was my time to receive my delicious hot coffee, pay and be on my way. The girl in the window, visibly flustered, asked what my drink order was. I realized that the hold up on everyone’s order was obviously because things girl was new and incompetent, so I repeated my order in a sassier-than-necessary tone and shoved my phone out the window so she can scan my Starbucks card. Then the girl said “your drink is actually already paid for.”

This shocked me. 1. I have never been apart of something like this (but I have heard of events like this on Facebook, and even somethings think of starting one when I am in a drive through, but never have the guts to). 2. I instantly felt mortified for being so annoyed at this situation. I told the girl that I would be more than happy to pay for the person’s drink who was behind me, and left feeling invigorated with a big smile on my face.

This event reminded me that the smallest acts of kindness are necessary for our society to grow. In a time when there is much animosity between many different social groups, offering a small kind gesture to a complete stranger is required of us to restore the focus on humanity. The person before me had no idea who I was, what the color of my skin is, what political party I identify with or what religion I practice. They reached out in kindness to me because I am a human (who also happens to enjoy overpriced coffee). This is something that I personally forget to do on a regular basis, and now will strive to sprinkle “random acts of kindness” throughout the lives of the people I am blessed to interact with.

Just thought I’d share a little about how I’ve been feeling this week as we gear up for the weekend!
Xoxo, Bethany

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