Sunday Wrap-Up 11/13 - Preppy (future) NP

Sunday Wrap-Up 11/13

Hey Everyone!!
So I think it is now well established that I am not the most consistent with posting (sorry!!) but I’m trying!! This week has been EXTREMELY busy, with both social and school related things. I have been either at work, school or clinical every day lately, and it’s draining! I laugh at myself when I hear myself complaining because, everyone else in the world works 5 days a week… but when you’re not used to it it’s hard!!
Ok, I digress.
Here’s some of my favorite things that helped me get through this week!!

What I’m Wearing:

Since I’ve been going to clinical so often, my designated “business clothes” have gotten a lot of wear this week!! One thing I have a tough time with when dressing for clinical is shoes. I have weird feet and a lot of shoes cause blisters if I wear them all day. If I could wear Uggs every day, I would. My saving grace this semester has been just simple black Toms. They’re not the most fashionable but they’re black, plain, go with everything, and don’t hurt my feet at all. Winner in my book!! I also have them in a white lacey pattern (that I wore a lot to clinical in the summer), and red, but the blacks have become my go to since they just go with everything!!

What I’m Watching:
So I am pretty sure I am the only human who hasn’t watched this/ been obsessed with this, but I am trying to watch Game of Thrones. So many people love this series, I knew I had to give it a try (plus I thought it would give me some good convo for dates…). I started it a few months ago and got through season one, but had a hard time starting season 2. I enjoy it, don’t get me wrong, but I tend to like shows that are a little “lighter” and don’t require so much concentration as I’m watching, since I usually like to have TV shows playing as I am doing something else, so I find it difficult to set aside hours of time to devote to watching. This past week though I started watching season 2 with my dad (super awkward… prob wont do that again). Idk, I’m gonna get through it.. slowly but surely! I have faith!!
What I’m Listening To:
There’s this new song I heard on Sirius the Highway. It’s called “Own It” by Bailey Bryan. I think its so catchy and I can really relate to the lyrics! Go check it out!

What I’m Doing:
This weekend I was able to take a quick break from schoolwork and I went up to Massachusetts for a “Friendsgiving” one of my college friends hosted!! I was excited for this because 1. I LOVE Thanksgiving food, and I am working Thanksgiving this year! And 2, I rarely get to see my college friends, who all live in Massachusetts, especially since I started school. I try to get up there to visit as much as I can, but I can’t help but feeling sad when events happen that I can’t go to, so I was super pumped I was able to make this one work out. I even got to see one of my close friends who had gotten engaged since the last time I saw her! It was such a fun weekend, it always makes me feel good when I see my college friends, and even though its been months since I’ve seen them, we always pick up right where we left off. That’s how you know you have friends for life!

Well, here’s to another week (and hopefully more posts… lol!)
Make sure to follow my Instagram and Pinterest!!

Xoxo, Bethany

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