Go-To Fall Outfit! - Preppy (future) NP

Go-To Fall Outfit!

Hey Everyone!
Today I wanted to share one of my favorite, go to outfits for the Fall season. To me, the fall is all about staying cozy, warm and comfortable. I also love sticking to the basic colors of fall. My closet tends to have a lot of navy in it, but I’m okay with that. Navy is so classic and I love the way the dark color contrasts with my blonde hair. I am also a huge fan of mixing more expensive, good quality pieces with cheaper, more accessible items to create a cohesive look.

The vest
Clearly a fall weather staple. In theory, vests are kind of silly to me because I don’t really feel like they are keeping me that warm, because if it is cold enough to need to wear something, then my arms are going to be cold… but they’re cute, so I suffer through the cold arms for the sake of fashion.
This vest I got a few years ago at the J.Crew factory store ( I live near several outlet malls which is both a blessing and a curse). J.Crew factory is one of my favorites because they are almost always having great sales and I feel like their clothing is a little bit more wearable to me than the retail store items.

The flannel
This flannel is one of my absolute favorites. I got it from Old Navy. I love Old Navy a little more than I probably should. While most of the time its very “hit or miss” on if you’re going to find something cute, but for the most part they care a good assortment of basic, stable items. This flannel I’m wearing is not too thick, but not too thin, which I love. I also had bought it a size bigger since I like to wear this when I am really going for comfort.

The leggings
I could write a while poem about leggings. I just love them. I know that they “aren’t pants’ but I say Lululemon. I absolutely love them. These are the wonder under hi rise in just plain black. My favorite leggings from them are the wonder under hi rise. They are full length leggings and have a nice high waistline, which is why I prefer these to the regular wonder unders.
whatever. They’re comfortable, warm, and I’m gonna wear them! My favorite leggings are

The boots
These are the Sperry Saltwater Duck Boots. They are equivalent (to me) to the LL Bean bean boots, but I liked these a little more because they are darker in color, look a little more worn, and have curled ties on the sides (and a zipper to let you get your foot in and out). These are so comfortable. My feet tend to take a while to break into shoes (hello blisters) but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten blisters from these! I sometimes pair them with big winter socks that look really cute peeking out of the top!

The necklace
Oh, my monogram necklace. I love this thing. I got it on Etsy last year and I wear it way more often than I should. I love that its gold, and I am glad I went with the bigger size (mine is 2 inches tall). I feel like it makes my outfit look more put together and chic. I love buying monogrammed/ personalized items on Etsy, I think it is fun to personalize things and really make them your own.

So yeah! That’s basically my go to outfit for the fall. I would wear this outfit on just a typical day running errands, or even going somewhere to study since I would be comfortable in the leggings (definitely a must for me while studying).
I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what some of your fall fashion staples are!

Xoxo, Bethany

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